Railway Museum (Speaking: 770L; CEFR A2)
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This is the Sub Railway Museum. Here you are going to see many special objects found by railway engineers in 2014. They were digging in the ground to build a new track. It was going to run from the north to the south of the country. One worker hit a metal object, but the team didn’t know what it was. They called a local history teacher, and she saw it was a metal wheel. They dug down further into the ground and found more interesting objects: an iron sign and a wooden seat. They discovered that there had been a railway station in the same place many years before.
The team of engineers and workers dug even more and found many parts of the old railway station and track. They wanted to save the pieces and talked to the new railway director. The director and the engineers all decided to make a small museum in the new railway station.
The museum has two rooms. To the right of the museum entrance is the Blue Room. There, you can see pieces of the old station ticket office and waiting room. To the left of the entrance you can find the Green Room, which has parts of the main station platform and track. When the museum first opened, an artist visited and painted a picture of the old railway station. You can see this fantastic work of art on your way to the exit of the museum. Helicopter tours are available for you to see the old railway track along the complete line. These are fantastic opportunities to see the past from the sky!
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