Sunday in the Garden (Speaking: 640L; CEFR A2)

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Click on "record" to start practice. Read as clearly as you can.
Listen to a speaker read the passage aloud. You do not need to read aloud.
Listen to the speaker. Repeat after each sentence and check your pronunciation.
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Listen: Listen to a speaker read the passage aloud. You do not need to read aloud.
Practice: Listen to the speaker. Repeat after each sentence and check your pronunciation.
Shadow Practice: Read the passage aloud, along with the teacher. You should wear headphones.
Read: Read the passage aloud. Speak at a speed that is natural for you.
Quiz: Read the passage silently. Then answer the questions about the passafe.

I worked outside in the garden all day today. I put a new birdbath in the yard, and then I watched the birds as they cleaned themselves in the water. I took notes on my laptop of the different kinds of birds I saw, and counted how many of each came to my garden. I do this every year so I can record what type of birds come back. I can also tell how many visit my garden. Also, the flowers I planted last fall are appearing now. They are blue, white, and yellow. The garden is beautiful!

In the afternoon, I made a bug hotel. A bug hotel is a wooden house for insects. It can help insects by giving them a place to nest. It also helps them survive winters, as many insects sleep during the cold months. I made the hotel using old pieces of wood. The insects go into the spaces between the pieces of wood because it is safe and warm. The bug hotel is not very attractive, but I saw a bee fly into one of the holes, so it is already working. I am very pleased.

I spent the evening comparing my bird list from this day last year to today. There were more birds in my garden last year. But there were more woodpeckers this year. They are my favorite birds. I like their colors and the sounds they make. Tonight I’m cooking zucchini for dinner. I grew them in my garden, and was happy to see some were big enough to pick already! I feel happy after a good day. Nature always makes me calm and relaxed.
