Winter World (Speaking: 750L; CEFR B1)

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Click on "record" to start practice. Read as clearly as you can.
Listen to a speaker read the passage aloud. You do not need to read aloud.
Listen to the speaker. Repeat after each sentence and check your pronunciation.
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Listen: Listen to a speaker read the passage aloud. You do not need to read aloud.
Practice: Listen to the speaker. Repeat after each sentence and check your pronunciation.
Shadow Practice: Read the passage aloud, along with the teacher. You should wear headphones.
Read: Read the passage aloud. Speak at a speed that is natural for you.
Quiz: Read the passage silently. Then answer the questions about the passafe.

It was early morning. Kulan and her dad were getting ready for their journey. They were going to the village of a nearby tribe to buy food and sell furs, but first they had to cross the frozen lake, which was known to local people as “The Dark Blue Pearl.”

They packed food and hot soup for themselves and oats for the horse. Then, they put on thick fur coats and warm pants and fastened their hoods around their heads. Kulan’s dad attached the sleigh to their horse, and they departed. A cold Mongolian wind was blowing as they moved onto the ice. The ice began making soft crackling sounds under the weight of the sleigh. Kulan liked to listen to the musical noises. It seemed the frozen water had a life of its own speaking quietly to them from deep below.

Kulan’s dad didn’t say much, but Kulan loved sitting inside the pile of furs and looking at the shining path in front. The sky reflected down and turned everything blue. She felt calm, looking out at the empty space.

“Hold on!” Kulan’s dad shouted as the horse jumped anxiously.

After a minute of moving from side to side, the horse finally calmed down and began to walk. Kulan could hear the horse breathing loudly as they traveled further out onto the ice. Kulan sat up straight, hoping to see things more clearly.

“Look!” she said. She was pointing at something ahead of them. “There’s something in the sun! It’s really shiny!”

Kulan’s dad pulled the horse to a stop. “Don’t get out,” he said. “It could be dangerous. I’ll go and look.”

He walked carefully across the ice. Kulan held her breath. She looked over the side of the sleigh and could only see a giant object glittering under the sky. What could it be? Then she looked at her dad, who was approaching the object slowly.

“What is it?” she asked.

“It’s an ice horse sculpture. It’s so big and beautiful!” her dad answered.

“An ice horse?! Oh yeah! How could we forget? Yesterday was the annual Ice Festival. Someone must have left it here after the festival.” Kulan was very excited.
