Hummingbirds (Speaking: 1120L; CEFR B2)

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If you live in the Western Hemisphere, you might have seen some tiny, colorful birds that make loud humming noises when they are flying. These are the world’s smallest birds hummingbirds. There are roughly 330 species of hummingbirds in the world, with most of them no larger than a human thumb. All hummingbird species are found in the Western Hemisphere. Their habitats are remarkably diverse.

Hummingbirds received their name because of the humming sound they make in flight. Thanks to their tiny size, hummingbirds have developed unique flying skills. Their wings can beat up to eighty times per second, allowing them to fly forward, backward, and even upside down. In fact, hummingbirds are the only bird species that can fly backward without relying on the wind. Studies show that hummingbirds can travel at nearly thirty miles per hour in direct flight and more than forty-five miles per hour during high-speed dives. They are also capable of hovering in place while feeding from flowers or other food sources.

Hummingbirds must eat a large amount of food to support their high metabolism. They primarily consume nectar, a sugar-rich liquid that plants produce in flowers to encourage pollination by insects and other animals. Hummingbirds usually feed every ten to fifteen minutes, which means that a typical hummingbird may visit one thousand to two thousand flowers throughout a day. In addition to sipping nectar, these birds eat small insects, such as ants, mosquitoes, and wasps.

Despite their delicate appearance, hummingbirds are tenacious creatures. Because they need to feed frequently, hummingbirds are extremely territorial. Once a hummingbird finds a good food source, it makes every effort to chase away other birds in order to ensure a future food supply for itself. Male hummingbirds can get especially aggressive and violent during the mating season. They make all types of hostile sounds to keep off competitors. When confronted by a rival, the male hummingbird establishes its dominance by using its needle-like beak as a weapon.

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