A New House (Speaking: 700L; CEFR A2)
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Albert’s family moved to a new house last month, and he and his sister were very excited. Their parents liked the new house because it was modern. It was in a quiet neighborhood and close to the school. It also had a big backyard. But the parents didn’t like the color of the exterior. It was light pink, which Albert’s parents didn’t like at all. Albert disagreed. He thought the color made the house look special.
The family talked about a new color for the house. Albert’s dad and sister wanted blue. Albert’s mom and Albert wanted yellow. In the end, the family chose green because it’s a mix of yellow and blue! Later, his dad saw two people painting the house next door. He thought that the neighbors were paying somebody to paint their house. His dad was worried about the cost of painting the exterior of the house, so his mom suggested he ask the painters for a price.
The next day, Albert’s dad went to talk to the painters. There were two of them, and they looked very hot in their painting clothes. It was a messy job, and they were both covered in paint. When his dad asked them his question, they looked at him like they didn’t understand him. His dad asked them for their names and a business card. Again, they looked confused. They still didn’t understand his question. They told his dad their names, and he suddenly understood the problem. The painters were actually the neighbors! They were painting their house themselves to save money. His dad didn’t recognize them because they had paint on their faces. They all started laughing about the mistake.