Sharks (Speaking: 620L; CEFR A2)
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Jim is a diver. That means he spends a lot of time swimming underwater. Jim loves the plants and the fish in the ocean. His favorite fish are sharks. He swims with sharks almost every day. Sometimes there are thirty or more different types of sharks in the water with him.
Jim doesn’t use special clothes or a cage to protect himself. You may think that this sounds dangerous, but most sharks will not hurt people. Many people think all sharks attack people, because sharks in movies attack people. But that is not true in real life. When Jim goes to a place called Tiger Beach, he feels like he’s meeting friends at school. There is one tiger shark that is Jim’s best friend. Her name is Emma, and for about ten months each year, he can find her swimming below his boat.
Emma is about four and a half meters long. She has appeared in movies and is world famous. Sadly, Jim has found metal fishing hooks in Emma’s mouth several times. He has taken the hooks out of her mouth. Once, he had to pull a hook hard, but she didn’t bite him. After that, he checked her mouth every day to make sure it was getting better. After about five weeks, he stopped opening her mouth to check it, and something surprising happened. Emma swam to Jim and opened her mouth for him. He believes Emma thought they were playing a game!
Some people hunt sharks, and now there are fewer sharks than in the past. Jim wants to show everyone that sharks are amazing animals, and we should protect them. He wants to change people’s fear to understanding.