Going to a Concert (Speaking: 720L; CEFR B2)

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Click on "record" to start practice. Read as clearly as you can.
Listen to a speaker read the passage aloud. You do not need to read aloud.
Listen to the speaker. Repeat after each sentence and check your pronunciation.
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Listen: Listen to a speaker read the passage aloud. You do not need to read aloud.
Practice: Listen to the speaker. Repeat after each sentence and check your pronunciation.
Shadow Practice: Read the passage aloud, along with the teacher. You should wear headphones.
Read: Read the passage aloud. Speak at a speed that is natural for you.
Quiz: Read the passage silently. Then answer the questions about the passafe.

This was Melanie’s first big concert. She would soon see her favorite band, Black Night, in person. Melanie had been looking forward to this event since buying the ticket six months ago. As Melanie got closer to the entrance gate, she could hear the buzz of the crowd. She handed her ticket to the attendant and stepped inside the open-air concert stadium.

As she made her way to her seat, Melanie was fascinated by the things around her: the booths for renting chairs, the beverage bars, and the tables where people were selling various Black Night items, such as CDs, books, and T-shirts. Also intriguing to Melanie was a rainbow-shaped tunnel. When people passed through the tunnel, they were sprayed with a thin layer of water that helped them cool off from the summer heat. Melanie didn’t know there were so many activities at concerts. She had come for the music, but there was so much more to experience.

However, Melanie had no idea that the biggest surprise was yet to come. After all attendees sat down, the lights dimmed, and fog from dry ice filled the stage. Melanie joined the crowd in shouting “Black Night! Black Night! Black Night!” When Melanie finally saw the band appear on stage, she could feel her blood rushing through her body, and her voice got louder and louder. Then the band started playing. But it was not a Black Night song. Melanie was confused. She checked her ticket three times to make sure she was at the right concert. Thankfully, she was. A nice couple seated next to her explained that the band on the stage was an opening band called Black Cats. The concept of “opening band” wasn’t new to Melanie. She knew that some new bands would play at a famous band’s concert to market themselves.

Shortly after the opening band left the stage, Melanie saw her dream come true. She lost herself in the music of Black Night, just like when she first heard their songs as a child.
