The Journey Home (Speaking: 510L; CEFR A2)
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A man named Chen takes the train home from work every night. Most of the time, it is a quiet trip. But one night, something strange happened. It was dark outside, and Chen was tired. There was just enough light in the train for him to read his book. Suddenly, he saw a bright light through the train window. It was far away above a small group of trees. The light did not look like anything he had seen before. As he watched it, the light grew bigger and brighter. And it was coming towards the train. He wondered if it might be a spaceship! Chen’s body became tense. He worried that it might hit the train.
There was a loud noise. It sounded like a large truck driving past very fast. Chen’s eyes grew big, his mouth opened. He almost called out for help. His heart was beating fast. He held his breath. He didn’t know what to do. But before he could do anything, the noise stopped. The light was gone. The train was quiet again.
Happily, Chen’s train stop, East Bridge, was next. He got off the train and walked home. He was still feeling upset as he ate his dinner. At nine o’clock, he turned on the television to watch the news, as he usually did. He listened to the main story. The journalist said, “Tonight a plane flew very low over East Bridge. The plane was fine, and it landed safely. We do not know why it was flying so low.” Chen was very surprised, but now he understood what he had seen.